Ewoud Viane

Ewoud Viane is a Ghent-based artist who experiments with materials such as textile, paint, plywood and bio-resin. Throughout his practice, he developed techniques to create functional sculptures and to make wooden prints on textile.


After graduating in 2017 with a bachelor's degree in interior and furniture design at KASK School of Arts Ghent, Viane became fascinated by the pleats and shadow gradients of coloured fabrics he found on the street. This inspired the creation of his cabinet-like objects made of textile. These hollow sculptures are entirely made of textiles sewn together. Then they are tightned by every edge with ropes in what he calsl the ‘grew kit’. A big tube made of ply wood. At the end they get there dose of bio-epoxy resin and a few layers of paint.

Once he mastered this technique, he started to make sculptural artworks with textiles, wooden panels and epoxy resin. Using needle and thread he makes drawings on a wooden surface, covers it with textiles, and a layer of epoxy resin.

When the epoxy did his job over night, the wood and textiles gets sepprated and leaves a thin layer of wood to the result.


With his most recent and ongoing series ‘Botanical Plants’, Viane pays homage to botanical illustrators. These technical artists made accurate depictions of plant species for research purposes without any artistic freedom. Despite their meticulous craftsmanship, they did not always get the recognition they deserved. Referring to their drawings, Viane wants to set this straight.


Besides his artistic practice he’s currently working in the fields of art handling and exhibition construction.